Bad Track Titles - Water Music by Chamber Soloists of Washington

Content you’re reporting an issue with


Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

It is from Qobuz. When displayed in Qobuz native interface, the track titles are fine. But not in Roon.

Screenshot of import settings


Description of the issue

Track titles used by Roon are no good. All are listed as “Nos 1”.

Hey there @Mike-48,

We appreciate the heads up here. (I’ve also saved this selection to listen to later!!) We’ll take a look at how this information is reflected on our metadata providers’ side and see what we can do. Please understand that we can’t make any promises regarding a timeline for corrections when coordinating with our metadata providers.

Thanks, @jamie . The version was recommended by a friend. I haven’t listened to the Water Music for a long time, but I would probably choose Pinnock or McGegan over this one. Still, it would be nice to fix the track titles!