Banning, tagging, TIDAL and the whole crazy Radio thing

Hey @Jeff_Bellune, I’ll take a swing at these for you.

It will randomly select either unless you set Roon Radio to only select from your local library.

No, Roon doesn’t assume that the ban extends to other versions. Many users apply bans based on quality settings in order to prefer high resolution versions over lower ones. A global ban would negatively impact their efforts.


No, Roon isn’t designed to do this, for reasons previously mentioned.

It won’t limit specifically on the parameters of the tag or bookmark but will continue to seed based on other factors, similar genre type, etc.

Still no, based on reasoning previously mentioned.

That’s what we recommend. It’s easy to become distracted by these minor annoyances in such a way that simple music enjoyment can be negatively impacted. When you thumbs down you’re supplied with a selection of responses that help to teach Roon your preferences. These prompts are more effective than playing whack-a-mole with banning.

If there’s an artist that you particularly loathe you can the artist to you library and then multipress the favorite button to ban them. You could give that a try.