BETA Release 2025.02


Again very early, but I like the ‘burn in’ time :wink:

Anyways, this beta has only some minor stuff on board. Although the automatic firmware updates on a Pi 5 are actually pretty cool.

  • NEW: auto-update firmware on the Pi 5
  • IMPROVEMENT: update Linux kernel

Let me know how it goes.



where is the download link for the beta version ?

You need to first enable Beta updates in the web config, then wait for it to prompt you to upgrade to the latest Beta.

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Updated two Pi4’s. I’m listening now and it’s working well.

pi4 working well here
(wifi, no display or remote, roon/airplay2/plexamp)

Two working here fine so far, both Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5. Lots of listening (Roon only) and no issues with official screen.

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I updated a Pi 5 and it is working as expected for Bridge, and the bootloader updated too. Nice! Thank you!

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