Booklets disappear after adding to albums on Nucleus SSD (ref#M3W1WM)

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I am adding booklets to albums on SSD attached to Nucleus. However, although they show up instantly in the library, they then disappear. I have tried turning Roon off and on again and have rescanned the storage folder and have checked the skipped files.

Describe your network setup

Starlink, Nucleus, two SSDs

HI @Susan_Tyler,

Thank you for your post. Please first update to the latest build - we’ve noticed when examining account diagnostics that your server and other Roon devices are running build 1442.

Can you please share the name of an album with a (missing) booklet per your description? Are you adding these booklets (titled booklet.pdf) to the album parent folder alongside the tracks, or elsewhere?

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Thank you. I pressed update all not long ago but for some reason my laptop was running 1445 while the Nucleus was still running 1442. Fixed that.
Some of the albums to which I have added booklets have kept them, some have not, and I can’t see why. This is one that didn’t:


Could it be that the booklets which are missing are not files with the name booklet.pdf, as Connor advises? That’s the only filename with works with Roon.

They should also be at the folder’s/folders’ root. Good luck!

I do have lots of booklets with names or numbers, straight from download, like this, or made up by me so that I can recognise them. They seem to work fine. But can you tell me what the folder’s root is? I imagine I should know but I don’t.

The Tamerlano booklet now shows up in the library but a different one that did show up, in the same folder, now doesn’t. There are two booklets in each, one recently downloaded (the numbers).

I tried calling one in the album with the missing booklet, “booklet” and it came up

However, when I looked at Tamerlano, which had identical looking booklets–one numbers, one text, it had gone back to having no booklets available in the library.
I tried changing the name of a couple of others to “booklet”, but they didn’t come up. I don’t think that is an issue,


The root is the top level of a folder; and not a sub-folder which lies under it.

From what your latest post describes that may well be the problem. So in the case of the Vivaldi, you might have the ‘parent’ folder:

Vivaldi; Tamerlano

Inside that folder at root level might be:


And inside each of ‘CD1’ and ‘CD2’ are your actual tracks/audio files.

Do please ask if I’ve failed to explain that well! Good luck.

There aren’t any sub-folders in these cases. I’m ready for that one! Thank you. It took someone here to explain to me when I started using the downloader on Qobuz.

Late to the party but I agree

I have been adding booklets for a while and never noticed any MIA , but I do rename everything to a bald “booklet.pdf”, even lower case . In the same way I always name the primary cover art file as “folder.jpg”

As @Mark_Sealey says these files go in the main album folder, this works …(for me, this is an internal SSD in a 10i7 NUC/ROCK)


So - just to be clear - isn’t your structure (essentially) the same as Mike illustrates here?

It really should be. But I’m aware that to correct this organizational side of things may be adding an extra layer of complexity to take on. Sorry.

If the Vivaldi set is this one, you’ll see that it spans three CDs. So when you download(ed) it, it really should be prepared and tagged for import into Roon just as Mike shows:

where each of the opera’s three (‘virtual’ because it’s a download) CDs (containing 31, 29, 20 tracks respectively) is in its own folder. Il Tamerlano is similar.

Note that for multi-CD sets these ‘child’ folders (‘CD1’, ‘CD2’, ‘CD3’ etc) should be named just that way… that is, not ‘CD 1’ etc with a space; not 'Disk 1 ’ etc; not ‘Act 1’ etc.

They should all be at root level (that is, their parent folder is the Album), and only the single album.

At that same level optionally go two other objects:

  1. booklet.pdf (as a pdf, of course) if you have one
  2. and a graphic file of the CD’s/Album’s cover image - called wither ‘cover.jpg’ or ‘folder.jpg’ (as in Mike’s example).

Case doesn’t matter for either… ‘Booklet.pdf’ or ‘booklet.pdf’ etc

This is the only way to store Albums with their associated (non-audio) files in a Roon library.

Your digital booklets will all show up - provided you have arranged things this way.

But, Susan, that may be a lot to take in - so please feel free to keep asking us questions to clarify and help you get there!

I just want to add that one can very well have additional PDFs or images with other names. There’s even somewhat of a spec to maintain correct order:

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Thanks for that, Mario! So, Yes - getting the hierarchy right is the first (and most crucial) step.

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Apparently Roon has mostly been kinder to me than it is supposed to be because I have had most booklets show up although I’ve done everything wrong. My puzzlement at this point is how just now on trying to put some booklets into albums it isn’t working all the time (most have). Again, my problem also isn’t quite that some are not working but that others that appear identical to me do work fine. And then some have shown up and disappeared or reappeared in a manner that seems a bit odd, as though the machine was temperamental.
Removing folder names can be awkward at times and hasn’t been necessary. However, since Qobuz started using a downloader I have had to pop the booklets into the folder with the music before they will show up, which has worked fine.

And bottom of first folder

I suppose it doesn’t really seem altogether necessary that they be named booklet.pdf if they show up perfectly, or be loose in the album folder if they show up fine , and so on. I have even tucked in other information in pdfs. However, where I have failed with my haphazard method I will try the more orderly approach you recommend. Thank you very much!!

Please don’t worry about my problem. I now have the knowledge to fix things more permanently when I need to. But it remains odd to have booklets appear and disappear and reappear, as in this one:

(both these are booklets)
If it disappears again I will call it booklet.pdf!

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