Browse Albums should show ALL albums

99% of the time, I use Roon with Tidal Hifi.

I am really enjoying learning more about bands, more than I expected I would, but when browsing a band’s discography, I only see the albums that are not in my Collection already.

Surely, it would make more sense to show all of an Artist’s albums, perhaps with a green ‘owned’ label, like the ‘new’ label on those that are already in my collection.

This would allow me to have a much clearer overview of a band’s progress and development, plus I get to see how many stars the albums get, which I use all the time as a guide for what ‘might be worth discovering’ if I don’t already know the album.

Thanks Roon people, you have given my life a soundtrack again.

Hi Toby,

if I may try to answer.

When I select an Artist in Roon then I do see all albums. It starts with all albums I have in my library on a white background, and proceeds with scrolling down with all albums (and appearances etc.) in Tidal on a black background. Once I add one of those to my library it will appear in the first section afterwards.

Not sure if this answers your request entirely but for sure this part is covered in Roon already.

Happy listening!

That’s right but it’s a bit confusing.

The top row is ‘Main Albums’, not ‘Owned Albums’ for example.
The second row is also called ‘Main Albums’ but when I click that expecting to see all the band’s albums, I will only see those that are not already in the top row. It would be great to see all of the band’s albums on one page in a grid overview and not separated. This way I can immediately read more information about every album on one page.

If I click ‘view all albums’ on the top row, it will only show those I already have in my collection, not all of the band’s albums.

I see. Well, after some months of experience personally I can live with the solution in place, but what you are describing could be a different approach. However the setup in Roon basically differences between your library (means your local files and added files from Tidal treated the same with all metadata and links), and albums outside your library. Maybe give it try to grant yourself some time to get familiar with the existing solution. I like the way in separating what I have and do not have to add right away.

Happy listening