Build 1392+: Various Artists Compilations Intermittently Splitting into Duplicate Albums (by track) in Roon, ARC [Roon Investigating]

Support, Is there any update on this issue?


An update would be welcome. I have been away for a couple of weeks, I have come home to find that nothing has been fixed, I have multiple versions of the same “albums”, it looks a mess. To re-iterate, I have a script that puts recordings of radio streams into folders on my NAS so that I can time-shift them and listen back later. Since some time in May Roon has seen fit to split these into separate “albums”, even though nothing (nothing) has changed at my end. Can Roon please investigate and fix?

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This is getting worse rather than better, an album that I added two days ago a compilation of course was added perfectly and now it’s splitting into two different albums – some feedback about this would be useful. Even more useful would be if it was actually sorted.


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To be honest, I’m no longer hoping for a reaction and/or solution.
I’m very disappointed.

My roon experience at the moment is as follows:

I’ve been using roon since 2018, but the software has never been this bad.
Albums that have been on the server since I started and have been correctly recognized are torn apart. They are no longer available as albums. Sometimes the error occurs with compilations, sometimes with classical albums; official releases where there is another composition in addition to the Symphony. (Is that a compilation then?)
And: As an additional error: Existing covers are not displayed

In his statement, Enno Vandermeer wrote “but we want more”. I had completely different hopes and illusions.

But now I have more albums in the display than are stored in my library. (The number shown changes daily, by the way.)

I have more albums without covers (previously zero)

I have more albums that were not recognized (because they were torn apart)

I am aware that I have formulated this post very clearly this time. I would like to apologize for that.
But: The error has been there since February and perhaps the frustration is understandable.


Absolutely, how much does it cost for a thank for your patience we are still working on it reply?


Yep. It’s annoying.

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And no fix with b1442. @support, any chance of an update on this issue?

Hi @DaveN and others running into this issue,

You have our apologies for the lack of communication around this issue! Your frustration is understandable and warranted.

Our QA team is actively working behind the scenes on this issue, which still has priority among the team. I do apologize that progress has been slower than expected, but know that we haven’t lost touch on it.

When more information is presented to us, we’ll share any updates immediately. :pray:

Thanks again for your steadfast patience!


Hi All,

Our team hasn’t been successful in replicating the issue yet, unfortunately. We’d like to make another attempt using a different database copy, if possible (thank you for your efforts @DaveN!)

In an ideal situation, you’re experiencing the issue currently, create a fresh backup, and use that backup to send into the link below:

  1. Database Issues portal

With that, a few follow-up questions:

  1. Is it possible to get into a normal state without duplicated albums? If so, how?
    1. If the answer to #1 is “yes“, how long does it take to be back in this broken state? Do you notice any specific functions that may lead to this broken state, like editing/importing/etc?

Thanks! :pray:


I have just checked my library and it seems that all the split orphaned albums are now displaying correctly.

This seems to have occurred in the last 3 weeks as I was still having problems up to then.

I have noticed that things have got better only to get worse again but hopefully some work in the background has sorted (my version of) this issue.


I’m still having issues with a handful of my albums …

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If I use your “contiguous tracks minused filter” I do see 2 issues.

Dusty and Blue Brazil.

I’ll manually correct them and keep an eye on what happens.


Good Tip :+1:. I was merging albums as I went along. But this way I can be systematic.

I found well over 20. There were compilations but if there is a pattern mostly it is Qobuz albums where one or more tracks have been marked “unavailable” and had been split out to a separate album. These albums are not necessarily compilations.

This treatment of unavailable tracks does not appear to be universal. I randomly checked the other minused “contiguous” albums and they seemed also to be Qobuz albums with one or more missing tracks but there was no sign of “unavailable” marked tracks in orphaned albums or what had happened to these missing tracks.

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Mine did as well a few days ago. No logical explanation as no updates were applied. Then suddenly today (12 Aug) at exactly 18:00 MDT, the album list started going haywire. I can easily tell when it happens because I typically sort by least played and orphaned tracks/albums begin appearing at the beginning of the list.

As I write this, albums continually appear then disappear, then reappear again, and so forth, at the beginning of the list. This has been going on for over 20 minutes.

Guessing that Roon started refreshing data from my music streaming source (Qobuz)? Maybe Qobuz keeps changing the metadata?

Just to add my experience, I noticed the problem again this morning. A couple of days ago I had it cleaned up, now I have about a few dozen or so compilations that have split. I have no streaming service linked with Roon, so the issue isn’t limited to Qobuz as others have suggested.

This has been going on for several months, and I’m quite frustrated it hasn’t been fixed.

Indeed I’ve now got some albums split that were in my original roon import in January 2016, so they have been fine for 8 years!

Teen beat being the album in question


I discovered something I had not noticed before as I attempted to fix the issues. It appears as though compilations are beginning to duplicate tracks in the album view, even though there is only one file as you see in the screenshot below:

When I tried to select one of the duplicated tracks, all of the duplicates would be selected. When I tried to play one, all of them would show as playing. When I deleted the album in an attempt to fix (as I describe below), Roon deletes the album and complains that I can’t find the file for all but one of the duplicate tracks. Very odd behavior.

My attempted fix this time was to delete the messed up albums from Roon and re-add from backups. I spent about 3 hours this morning on this and before I completed the work, suddenly albums I had just fixed were mess up again. There is some process happening that causes this and I can’t seem to figure out how to fix. When re-adding the albums, I even tried putting them in a different folder (not my “various” folder which has quite a lot of compilations in there) just in case that may have been the underlying cause. No luck.

I’m beyond frustrated at this point. Every time I try to fix messed up albums, no matter how I try, I end up with them messed up again.

It would be wonderful if Roon would fix this. Please. This is just shoddy.

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I would reboot the server as the first step and see if that helps.

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No improvement with build 1455 :frowning:

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While I appreciate the attempt to help, this nonsense has gone on for months. No amount of reboots has solved the problem. It may temporarily halt the problem. Then I fix it and less than 24 hours later, issues resurface.

It’s starting to feel like Windows. Have a problem? Try rebooting to see if that fixes it. Not a good comparison for Roon. So frustrating…