Build 253 /1356 Sync Failures in ARC

Hi Connor,

There is something strange with this initial sync. Android 13 Arc latest beta 122 and Roon Core Build 1355 and First Time Sync runs like it will never end. And after a very long while the same message as on IOS.

Kind regards,

Hi @Bennard_van_Diermen,

If you’re on the Early Access build with both ARC and your RoonServer, then I’ll move this most recent post to the Early Access category for our QA team to catch this error.

There was an ARC and Roon release in EA today - the current builds should be Roon 1356 (early access) and ARC 223. Please update and confirm that you’re on the most recent build before reproducing this error, and we’ll proceed from there. Thank you for the report.

Hi Connor,

Yes I am on EA. Both Core And Arc. Will try again when the updates on both Core And Arc will be available.

Kind Regards,

Latest version Arc 253 and Roon core 1356 solves.the problem. Only minor difference with DSD over PCM Arc crashes. This has been different.

Hi Connor,

Same issue occuring now with the latest (beta) updates of Roon Arc. Clients that are updated run fine for now but new clients can’t get the initial sync to fullfill
Same generic error message.

Tonight for some reason the initial sync succeeds. Nothing changed, no restart or what soever. Strange behaviour. Any logical explanation for this??

Kind regards,
