At one point I was using this feature pretty often but then at some point I started seeing some bizarre tracks appear within daily mixes that simply don’t belong at all with the bulk of the remaining tracks. Its certainly not a world ending situation but it is somewhat annoying. Enough so that I have reduced my use of this feature by a fairly large margin.
I’ve tried to understand where Roon software might be picking up these additions to a given daily mix by looking at things like Credits and other various info. I thought, maybe, somehow, Metallica has some kind of influence on other composers like Tool, Bryan Adams, Heart and similar but I see no correlation.
I’ve seen daily mixes centered around Heavy Metal include tracks from composers like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, Heart,Bryan Adams as quick examples.
I’m not sure in what world these composers belong together in the same playlist unless it was just a random Playlist derived from an entire library of all songs on ones NAS drive.
I’m aware of the option to “Thumbs down” a given track BEFORE it plays next in the list but that is less than ideal. This requires one to be staring at their phone or computer screen to catch it before it plays.
Why not have an option to do the same “Thumbs Down” action before adding the daily mix to ones queue or immediately after so that the follow-up question asking why you wish to skip the track can be logged ahead of time? Only having this option appear just before the song plays is a nice thought but its too late at that point and your disapproval of the song being part of the daily mix in the first place usually gets missed.
I think the Daily Mix feature can be much improved by not only taking previously played Genres into consideration but to also include other Genres never played…as long as the tracks within actually match that Genre vs having some pot luck tracks appear in the middle of the Daily Playlist that have nothing at all to do with the rest of the theme.
These tracks are F’in up my Chi man
Anyone else see this happen and can perhaps shed some light on why it happens so often?
Some of my daily mixes are truly nuts. There is a bit of a bug, I’m not entirely sure if it was ever fully squashed, where other profiles were leaking history into the suggestions. There are trends my wife gets on I have no interest in sharing but, for a long while, every day was a mix of just that. It’s better now although I’ve been seeing some strange things in the past couple weeks. Sometimes its excellent and sometimes its opposite of excellent.
[quote=“Chris_F123, post:1, topic:290151, full:true”
I’m aware of the option to “Thumbs down” a given track BEFORE it plays next in the list but that is less than ideal. This requires one to be staring at their phone or computer screen to catch it before it plays.
I’m a little confused by this paragraph. Are you saying you currently see this feature associated with playing “Your Daily Mixes”? I only see it when playing Roon Radio.
As to your issue, I somehow assumed that “Your Daily Mixes” originated somehow from Tidal’s “Mixes For You” under Roon’s Tidal section, but I’m sure I’m probably wrong on that, because it certainly wouldn’t be the case if one doesn’t use Tidal.
It doesn’t surprise me that the odd tracks show up in the mixes because, you know, metadata…
Sounds to me what you might be wanting to do is loading the mix via Play, than going to the Queue page and select all the tracks you don’t want, then tap the “Remove From Queue” button.
I mixed up when/where this little thumbs down option appears but I was just expressing that I would like to see this option appear in the Daily Mix and also somehow sooner in the Roon Radio choices instead of right before the next song plays.
Maybe there should be a queue that Roon Radio uses that can be made available to the end user where the choices its going to make for the next several hours can be graded or thumbed Up/Down to help it make better choices.
As far as I am aware, the Radio feature should be playing Tracks “Like” whatever was playing at the time you engaged the slider but may times that is not what I end up hearing.
IME, the Radio feature will often play the same crap day in and day out, sometimes in almost the same order and even play the same track that was playing at the time the slider was engaged…not too long into its next grouping of future plays.
I guess my thought is until there is a better way to teach this automation that what it is serving up is either great or not so great it will never get any better.
Anyway, thanks for all the responses. I too was not aware of that Valence article