Can I repurpose this as a Roon server?

I have this software defined router / firewall piece of hardware that I am no longer using in my network.

I should be able to install a version of Linux on it. But will it be capable to run Roon? No worry about the storage that is easily solved :wink:

Below the link to the hardware:

I think you should be able to, yes. Its performance would probably be reasonable for most reasonably-sized libraries and use cases.

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Try installing DietPi on it.

It might well run on it, run well is another matter. Itโ€™s well below minimum specs.

Thanks, I will play with it later. Most likely will go with the Mac Mini 4

A quad core (celeron) with 8GB RAM is good enough for a roon core.

Iโ€™m running a VM with 2 cores/2GB RAM and I have no performance issues. Thatโ€™s a lesser machine than what you intend to use :wink:

If you install a Fedora 39/40/41 in that box, you could run my installer script from here. I made it to run in a VM but any fresh fedora install would work.

I believe you should find ubuntu/debian scripts like mine around if you go for one of those.

Thanks, I will give your script a try as soon as I can dig de unit and a display out of storage.

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