I downloaded a recent album from Tidal today and I am unable to remove it from my library. I did receive a message that I was not able to delete the album because I was not authorized to do so. Did not get a screenshot of that message. I go through the remove from my library process at the album and library level, I get message that the tracks are being deleted but after that process is completed I still see the album in my library. I downloaded another album from tidal this morning and was able to delete it from my library. I include screenshot of the album I cannot delete (Blondshell). I did delete and reinstall Roon to no avail.
Any thoughts on how to delete a tidal album download? I think this album in particular has problems since I can delete other tidal albums from roon.
If you have removed something from the library, it might take time to sync. You can try going to Settings/Services and under Tidal click the sync now link. Or try rebooting the server.
This comment has me confused, can you explain what you mean in more detail.
Roon does not download albums from Tidal and does not play albums downloaded from Tidal using the Tidal app. All you can do in Roon with Tidal is add/remove the album to the Roon Library, which is to say, add the album as a favorite in Tidal or remove it as a favorite in Tidal.
When Roon adds an album to your library, all that means is that Album is marked in Tidal as a favorite, and that Roon has created database entries for that album, it’s credited artists and it’s tracks. It does not download the music files.
As per your PM requesting help from Roon’s @support team, I’ve moved this topic to the #support section of the forum which is an area of the forum they monitor.
Thanks for the clarification. what I have done is have the tidal album marked by Roon as a favorite in Tidal. I understand that The title albums are not download into Roon but Roon adds or removes their marking as favorites in Tidal. .How do I remove the album in my roon library as a Tidal “favorite”??
The usual roon processes for deleting an album from roon do not work for this album.
The reboot worked to take the album out of my roon library - thanks
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