Can Roon correctly handle tags in a really big (5 GB) dsf track?

I recently downloaded from NativeDSD the latest Mahler: Symphony No. 3 album with Fischer/Budapest Festival Orchestra. The album is available in DSD64, DSD128 and DSD256 versions. I downloaded all 3 versions, and tagged them identically (except for album titles) with MP3Tag using ID3v2,4 type tags.All of them play correctly.

The problem I have lies with the metadata of track # 1 of the DSD256 album version. The album shows as follows in Roon:

Track # 1 was tagged as follows in MP3Tag :

Executing a “View File Info…” on track # 1 shows :

and proceeding from there to “File tags” shows this :

Note that none of the metadata entered with MP3Tag (album, Composer, etc) are shown.

Repeating the above steps using this time the DSD128 album version:

Note here that the track metadata entered with MP3Tag are correctly shown. Note also the metadata for the DSD256 and DSD128 versions are identical (except for the end of the album title).

I crosschecked the track # 1 metadata using foobar. Foobar correctly displays the same metadata as those entered with MP3Tag, for both the DSD256 and DSD128 versions.

Identifying/unidentifying/unwatching-rewatching the DSD256 album version makes no change : Roon appears unable to correctly see the track #1 metadata. However, the track plays correctly from start to end and the timings are correct. So a possible track corruption can be ruled out as a possible cause.

In search of an explanation, I compared the track # 1 file sizes between versions :

DSD64 : 1.4 GB
DSD128 : 2.7GB
DSD256 : 5.5GB

My guess is that Roon has trouble handling a really by track like the one on the DSD256 album (5.5 GB), which is well over the 4GB mark that calls for trouble in many softwares. In fact, this 5.5GB track is the biggest one in my whole library.

Could Roon support look into this and tell me if my guess is correct : can Roon handle such a big track size ? I am running latest version of Roon Core 64 bit on a Win10 PC .


I have the same recording, but in multichannel DXD, so the files are much larger :wink:

No problem with the metadata for me - not to say there might not be a problem with large DSFs, but not DXDs.

Thanks for the info. On what OS are you running yourRoon core ?

macOS 10.12.5

Hi @Andre_Gosselin ---- Thank you for your patience while I have been looking into this issue you’ve reported to us.

I have confirmed with my team that some improvements have been made that are pending our next release, which we believe will improve this behavior :sunglasses: If I may kindly ask you to please grab the latest update (when it goes live) and let us know if the experience has improved.

I will be on the look out for your feedback!

@Eric Would it be appropriate to say this “behavior” is a bug ?

There was a known file size limitation in the open source software Roon uses for extracting file tags.

For our next release we’ve updated to a more recent version of that software, and that limitation shouldn’t affect these files anymore.


Thanks a lot! I will eagerly wait for your next release.


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@Eric I confirm that the issue with the big 5.1GB track of the Mahler Symph. #3 (DSD256) has been solved following update to Roon build 234.

Now the tags of this track are correctly ingested by Roon.

Thanks a lot to all Roon support team!

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