Can’t add pictures with iPad

I’ve never been able to paste a link to an image on my iPad. I noticed someone suggested a fix by rebooting the iPad. It didn’t work. Any help will be appreciated.

I have the exact same issue. I’ve never been able to make it work…

Hi, @David_Gibson, @ddean, thanks for your report! May I ask you to clarify, please, is that album cover picture you both are talking about?



Yes, album covers.

Ok, thanks for the info.

May I ask you to watch this short video and verify if the steps described on it work for you – .

What I did was:

  1. Long press -> Copy image
  2. Open Roon
  3. Go to Editor
  4. Press Paste image URL

Also, could you, please, share your steps when you experience the issue?



Here’s what I did.

  1. Access image through google.
  2. Select “Share”. Menu options include Tap to copy link.
  3. When I tap to copy link, message changes to Link copied.
  4. Return to Roon and select Edit.
  5. Select Add Image then Paste URL from clipboard.
  6. Result Failed to load image from Clipboard

On my Ipad, a long press doesn’t do anything.

Correction, there’s a trick to the touch. When you touch the screen and the image enlarges slightly, you will get the copy/save menu a fraction of a second later. Using this copy function, I was able to paste the URL no problem. I don’t know why the Share option didn’t work. Also, I think if the image is copyrighted, you may not get the copy/save option on the Ipad.

Thanks for your attention to Apple’s problem :wink:

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