Can’t boot Roon after moving Nucleus

Roon Core Machine Nucleus

I had to move my Nucleus. Now it won’t boot up. Is there a procedure to rebooting. I have tried different outlets and cables but nothing works. Roon just keeps search for a core it cannot find.


Networking Gear & Setup Details

I run at 1GB internet speed and have a brand new linksys ethernet switch connected to Nucleus.j Ethernet switch is connected directly to ethernet outlet in wall. Its a 5 port switch and tried every port. I have my iMac connected to the Linksys switch and it works very well.

Connected Audio Devices

Nucleus is connected via USB to Chord mScaler. I use my iMac as an endpoint only.

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Everything worked great for 6 months. Just had to move Nucleus for a moment and unplugged it. Now it doesn’t appear to boot.

@Neil_Snyder, I moved your post to the Nucleus support category. In your router administration page, does your Nucleus appear online? If you type either http://nucleus or http://nucleus.local from a web browser, do you see the RoonOS Web Administration page?

If none of these work, can you connect a monitor to an HDMI port and let us know what you see?

Tried that. Cant see anything.

Did you purchase your Nucleus from Roon directly or from a dealer? If from a dealer, and it is within its 2-year warranty, you should contact them for support. If you purchased from Roon, we can let support know.

About 6 months old. What can a dealer do for me?

For Nucleus’ purchased from dealers, the dealers are the first line of support for their customers. Did you purchase your Nucleus from Roon directly?

No. from a dealer in San Francisco

I believe you will need to contact your dealer for assistance as a first step.

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Hey @Neil_Snyder,

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your Nucleus. @Robert_F is correct in directing you to the dealer of the device. It sounds like you may be dealing with a faulty SSD, in which your dealer should be able to repair for you, especially if it’s still under warranty.

Let me know how this goes :+1: