Cannot Access Menu in Roon Trial (ref#70OXR4)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Installation or Setup

Description of Issue

Hi, got the 3 months trial, signed in, ok, but cannot use Roon, no menu available.

Roon Server Platform


Roon Server Specifications

Acer PC, 32GB RAM, 2 years old, bing for internet.

Connected Audio Devices

Soundblaster G6, USB, Qobuz

Home Network Details

vdsl 50, ethernet, TP powerline adapter.


Could you confirm that you have downloaded and installed Roon on the PC?

Assuming you have, what are you seeing when you run Roon on the PC.

Hi @pagakis.nikos,

Welcome to Roon and we’re sorry that you’ve been experiencing difficulties getting started.

Did you see the above comment from our moderators? We’ll need a little more information about your setup.

If you haven’t already, start with a fresh download of Roon for Windows on the machine you’ve mentioned above:

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