I’ve tried all the recommendations on the Roon Support site, still unable to add shared folder from QNAP; keep getting “unexpected error” or “cannot connect to share: unauthorized”.
When you received the unauthorized message, did you confirm that the username/password were set correctly? Unauthorized seems to indicate that the address you used is correct but the login credentials are wrong.
Is there any change in behavior if you try using the direct IP address of the QNAP instead of hostname? E.g. smb://192.168.X.YYY/Multimedia/RoonBackup where X and Y are the subnet/IP?
Glad to hear that connecting via IP address worked!
What kind of PC do you have at home? You should be able to access the Nucleus internal storage by using these instructions. I would access the internal storage and then copy the files over to the QNAP.
Thankn, I’m using iMac. Looks like there’s no backup feature on Roon for the music library (like Sooloos). I’ve decided to try Get Backup Pro to synchronize Roon SSD Internal Storage to the QNAP. It worked OK, but the next day Roon App had trouble loading, I’m not sure if it has to do with the backup software?
Roon App loaded after I rebooted the Nucleus, but audio setting to Devialet D250 PRO became unstable, and could not recognize it is Roon Certified, and assigned it to “Other Network Device”. Sometimes it toggles between RAAT and Other Network Device?
I reinstalled the Nucleus OS and reloaded the D250 F/W, It now says it’s Roon Ready but “Uncertified”. Did something changed on the Roon end?
I’ve also noticed there are 2 versions of “Roon Ready” F/W on the Devialet site with the same version number, one dated 2/11/2019 (from the Expert Pro Roon Ready link) and one dated 12/02/2019 if I just go to the Devialet Configurator page.
I’m currently using the version dated 12/02/2019 from the Configurator page. I got it to work after playing around with different input sources and power cycling. The lasted F/W seems to be not very robust. I’m afraid to make any changes for now, hoping it’ll be stable over time