Cannot connect to paid Roon server after signing in (ref#NQUUVQ)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Interface & Usability

Description of Issue

Yes I am still having problems I fire up on my computer and it takes finds my server and it is running and I hit connect than it takes me to sign in and than it shows I am signed in I can get all my account info but it does not get me to roon paid sever it only takes me were I can try roon on a trial basis and that will not let me try that because my email and pay method is already a active accountant that is as far as I can get I don’t any suggestions

Roon Core Platform


Roon Core Specifications

sonoma 14.1.1

Connected Audio Devices

ropee Rasberry

Home Network Details

connected WiFi

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unable to connect to server after Roon and macOS updates (ref#KGLGJ2)