Cannot play KMHD Radio

Hello, KMHD Jazz Radio is giving me a “Playback was interrupted because a track failed to load” error on both streams in the live radio browser entry. Additionally, I’ve tried adding the following 4 URLs manually with no success:

Sorry for the formatting, but I can only post two links as a new Discourse user. Each of the above streams loads and plays in web browser, VLC, etc., but not in Roon. Thank you in advance.

Hello @Mickey_Deagle , I can play that station without issues.

I wonder if you are using a NAS as your Roonserver. That station only uses .aac streams and by default Qnap and Synology do not provide the codecs for those streams. (mp3 streams are ok)

You need to add these yourself and these links describe how;


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@BrianW spot on — that was my issue and providing my own version of ffmpeg fixed it. Thank you!

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