Hi there, I know this is not a new issue, but I tried everything I could possibly could find about this topic and still I can’t see the NUC with ROCK
I use Roon on a i5NUC, M2 ssd with Roon and the database, 8Tb ssd inside for the music.
The NUC and my Lumin U2 streamer are both connected to a Netgear GS105 switch, which is directly connected to the internet modem.
I have no issues playing my music from the NUC. I can use my cell-phone, tablet and laptop to choose my music from the 8Tb SSD and from Qobuz.
I recently wanted to make a back-up from my database by connecting a external HD to my laptop (like I did some weeks before) and found out that in my network was not showing Rock anymore.
My Lumin U2 and the rest are still visible…
In Roon Settings I see my Roon Server and it’s IP-adress.
I followed the SMB-issue page: no result.
I did the NETWORKRESET like Roon suggests: no result.
I also tried directly accessing the network-path to ROCK/Data/Storage, the name, as well as the IP-address: Rock stays invisible.
Thus somehow for Roon itself there is no issue but for me as a user there is: I can’t make by hand a back-up from my database and I can’t upload music anymore from my laptop to the Rock-storage.
The only thing I changed since making my last back-up is that the Netgear switch is placed in-between the router and the NUC + Lumin. But the Lumin is still showing in my network…
Please HELP
Best regards, HW
What are you using to access your ROCK/NUC’s file system? Your laptop? Is this a Windows laptop? What version of Windows?
I don’t get how your issue and the backup go together. You can’t make a backup of a running database by just copying files. Roon, as far as I l know, doesn’t let you store a backup into the internal drive, the external drive you connect to your laptop instead of the ROCK and if you wanted Roon to store the backup onto a drive on (or connected to) your laptop then the laptop not seeing the ROCK would be irrelevant. Do you stop Roon Server from running before taking the backups you did in the past? If not then your “backups” are likely not working in case you ever need one. How to use the built-in backup function and avoid issues or the need to stop Roon Server (manually) from running first is described in:
How to resolve issues accessing the ROCK share over the network from recent Windows see:
Whilst some users of this Windows update couldn’t access their Rock > Data folder without the above workaround, I could.
In File Explorer > Network and then typed this in the search bar \\Rock\Data\Storage
I double checked and I was on the same version that’s causing some issues.
I have to admit I have the Pro version of Windows 11.
Hi, my laptop uses W11 prof
I also tried this and it had no result
And have you used the Group Policy Editor to enable access as described in the article that @BlackJack referred to?
I do have W11 prof, but the Dutch language version. I try to follow the leads from@BlackJack, but the syntax suggested for the input on the command lines are not been accepted so far…
Furthermore I really still don’t understand why I see all the rest of the gear in my private network and not ROCK…
OK, I followed the lead now more correctly: the W11 Prof part, so no command line input but the Group Policy Security Options and the Lanman Workstation guest logon.
But still no Rock in my network list…
It probably won’t appear in the network list automatically. Type \\ROCK\ into the Address field of File Explorer (NOT the Search field).
Hi Geoff,
I get the message that I’ve no access to Rock…
So what are you seeing? An error message or what? Please post a screenshot.
Yes, in Dutch
It looks to me as though there is still no insecure access to ROCK - are you sure you have followed all the steps in that article? What is the error message that you get if you click “Details weergeven”?
And I followed the instructions about SMB etc. from @BlackJack in the beginning of this string
And BTW: yesterday evening I got back to the old situation without the switch in the system, so the nuc and the Lumin directly in the router, but I couldn’t see Rock either.
Now the switch is put back again in the system
The error message is definitely a Windows access issue. So something in Windows is preventing your accessing the ROCK via SMBv2.