Can't access NUC with Rock on it

Hi Geoff @Geoff_Coupe. Yes I think so too.
I have the issue on both my laptops.
Do you have any idea where to search?
(I think it’s the same thing that is preventing me to make ‘normal’ backups from my Roon Database. I get there ‘UnExpectedError’)
It remains a mystery why I had access to ROCK on my laptops before…

I had the same problem today after a W11 update. When I tried to connect to the internal storage of my Rock, I was asked for my username and password. I then activated “Enable insecure guest logons” via the group policy editor as recommended. After I rebooted my laptop, everything worked again.
Hence my (stupid) question:
Did you reboot the computer after making your changes?

@Jurgen_Konig : Hi, yes, I did a reboot (off course…)

No - that’s likely a different issue, probably connected with not sharing the Windows folder used for Roon backups correctly. I suggest you open a separate topic on that and post a screenshot of Roon’s “Add network share” screen.

Take a look at this post - for some setups there may be an extra registry key that needs to be entered and set to disabled to allow access to your ROCK…

Hi Geoff. I checked the mentioned registry key and it was already set to 0

I’m more and more convinced that people that state: it is a Roon problem - are at least not wrong. Because: why is it that I see all my network connections EXCEPT Rock? (and why can I nevertheless manage Rock from my laptop?)

@Geoff_Coupe : will do after the main problem is solved

It is not a Roon problem, inasmuch that ROCK still uses guest/guest as the username/password to access the file system. The issue is something within the Windows setup on the PC that can’t access ROCK. You said yourself that your Windows laptop CAN access ROCK - so there’s something different in the registry settings between the two machines.

I’m not a techie, but the question still remains why the rest of my network-connected gear is visible there and only the nuc with Rock not? (that’s why I’m tending to put the blame on Roon Rock, although it has probably has to be solved somewhere in W11)
And why can I play music via my laptop and manage Roon on the IP address filled in in Firefox while Rock is not visible?
I mean: there is clearly a connection somehow (it’s not blocked in this way), but no visibility in the tree or possibility to address the network folders in W11

These are all independent (software) services. And the service that allows automatic service discovery (announces availability) and makes them show-up in the Windows network environment has never been added to Roon OS AFAIK (and many user reports show).
While having Roon OS show-up in the Windows network environment would be a nice-to-have convenience feature, it is not needed for file sharing or the web administration page to work – and hypothetically having it – would not magically resolve your issue with (the) file sharing (service) and inability to access the Roon OS file share.

I still get this message when I put the input '\Rock\Data' in the adress block…

Yes, it still seems as though Windows on this PC is not allowing insecure guest access to network resources (i.e. ROCK), even though you say you’ve used GPE to enable this. I’m out of ideas here.

PS - I assume that you have entered guest as the Gebruikersnaam and guest as the Wachtwoord in that dialog screen and Windows still won’t allow you access?

Hi Geoff.
Yes, GUEST-GUEST, did not work
I checked (again) the keys mentioned in the beginning of my post and the Insecure Guest Logon or something was still wrong. Perhaps I didn’t reset my laptop directly after changing it. I don’t know…
but deep sigh… problem solved. Thanks for your limitless patience (and from the rest of the helpers, off course)

[Edit: Too late :slight_smile: ]

That’s precisely the message that appears when „insecure“ guest/guest login wasn’t successfully allowed.

Try these more recent Microsoft instructions. Scroll down to the solutions, then try steps 6 and 7. I this isn’t possible, try the PowerShell solution in step 8.

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