Can't connect to Natiive Vita

I just received a Native Vita streamer. At first, it recognized the Roon network and played my music. But when i tried to control it through my Roon remote apps (both Android and iOS), playback failed. The Vita is no
longer recognized as part of the Roon network, and is no longer an endpoint. When I try to play from the Roon app on the Vita, I get an error message: “network_error_device_init_failed.” Any suggestions?

Louis Fischer

I ended up doing a factory reset on the Vita. Now I’ve got Roon connectivity on the Vita; I just can’t use any Roon remote.

Louis Fischer

Hi @elemef ----- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. The insight is very appreciated, my apologies for the slow response here.

Moving forward, to help us better understand this issue you are running into with your remote(s) may I kindly ask you for the following information:

  • Please provide a brief but accurate description of your current setup using this link as a guide.

  • Please provide the make and model of the affected device(s).

  • Please provide an exact description of the issue you are experiencing with your remotes. Having a better sense as to what the “failure” looks like will help us better advise on the problem.


Thanks for contacting me, but I ended up returning the Vita. The Nativ developers are not going to implement RAAT until a late February 2018 update (if then). Until then, anything played through Roon is truncated to 16/48. I did not want to wait for full RAAT implementation.

Thanks, Louis

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