Can't edit a title

I purchased a FLAC file from e-classical today, and the metadata is seriously messed up. I was able to edit the incorrect titles for tracks 5-13, and the individual tracks titles for tracks 1-4 are correct, but the overall name for that piece should be Brahms Piano Sonata No.1, not Erlkonig!! There doesn’t seem to be a way to rename it. Any suggestions?

You could try clicking on Unidentified to see if you can pick metadata that fits

I tried that–it’s how I was able to rename the other tracks, but since the overall title for tracks 1-4 isn’t a track, I don’t know what to do. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

Your best bet is surely to use a dedicated tag editor like Yate before importing.

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The tracks are properly named on my hard drive: the problem occurred when I extracted the compressed files and transferred them to the HD in my Roon Nucleus. I have about 450 downloaded albums, and none have ever had this problem. I contacted e-classical to alert them, but they haven’t responded yet. I was just hoping if it does happen again, there’d be a way to rename the header title for a composition.

Its possible some corruption occured on this title during transfer.
I would likely myself delete it from the HD off the Nucleus and reimport it again see if it clears up.

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I did that already, no change. Even if it were corrupted It seems odd that it would make up a composition title that isn’t even on the recording! (That is an actual piece by Schubert…)

This is called a multi-part composition in Roon.

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I was able to rename the ones that are just file numbers. (All 13 wouldn’t fit in my screen shot.) I will try to report it.


I really wouldn’t try renaming files.

I still think your safest, quickest and most reliable/effective solution is a tag editor like Yate (on macOS), which will also allow you to see exactly where the anomaly has occurred. Then re-import the album. Good luck!

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Mark, I don’t have a Mac. I renamed all but the title before track 1. It only took about a minute or two,

This album by Alexandre Kantorov seems to be too new to be identified. Official release date is today, but eclassical seemingly has sold the download ahead of time.

Sourced from Qobuz also most of compositions are not recognized and only Qobuz´ filenames are used.

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The problem is almost certainly that the tags in the track files are incorrect.

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Windows users here can advise on the best alternative… Good luck!

How would a tag editor know how to fix them, and what would I look for?

You would enter the correct tags (which includes works’ titles) manually.

e-classical sent me new files. The individual track titles have been fixed, but the work title for tracks 1-4 is still wrong. I don’t know if this is still a tagging problem or Roon has a mind of its own! I wrote them back to inform them of the issue.

Once roon has identified a composition, for example through its Opus number (Deutsch Verzeichnis in this case), it will remember the link even after file names and tags have been corrected.

You can try to move the album out of roon´s surveilled folders, subsequently clean up the internal metadata library and reimport it. This is helping in some cases, but not a guarantee.

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Seconded. Remember to Clean up your library’s deleted files and maybe even restart the server before re-importing. Good luck!

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A very annoying bug, that should not happen it has options to reidentify and reread metadata from files but it just refuses to not do so. As you suggest the only way is to completely remove it and start again which is so wrong. I’ve been editing metadata on some of my older files to bring them up to date and work better across all apps. Roons behaviour here is a pain as I have lost years my play history and what manual edits I made and it skews my date added to.