Can't get into streaming? Are we dinosaurs?

Why would you want to do that @Sallah_48, when Roon makes it so easy to keep what you have and integrate it with streaming?
It is true that one can occasionally get glitches with streaming, but its pretty uncommon. When one considers all the upsides of expanding the scope of what you can explore to 70 million tracks, those sorts of downsides seem pretty trivial.

Just for fun :slight_smile:

A change is as good as a rest as they say. I spend so much time curating my collection that I feel I’m not listening to enough music. Building a new collection within Roon and Tidal looks like fun from where I’m standing. I’ve disabled my HDD’s now and have built up a collection of 12 albums already by linking ideas (and hyperlinks) taking me from album to album. Ill see how I get on.

(edit… nothing to stop me re-activating my HDD’s anytime, on demand, so to speak)


Isn’t curation part of the fun ?

You can listen and curate

I must admit pulling the local plug does seem a tough decision but as long as it’s still there to revert what’s the harm , it’ll cost you nothing !


It’s fun in the same way spring cleaning is fun. You get a sense of accomplishment and get a close look at all your stuff. But if it never had to happen I wouldn’t be sad.

I do enjoy sitting at my large and beautiful iMac screen and cleaning up and adding metadata to my library as I listen, but nobody accused me of being normal.


yeah it becomes a perverse pleasure. I’d be lost without it, but I’d get use to the extra time, lol.

A post in the BLISS blog on streaming, collecting and cognitive bias.
I bought BLISS and SongKong just prior to roon and then realised I didn’t need them and couldn’t give a rat’s arse about metadata anyway :slight_smile:

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