Thanks Christopher
I have checked but Jumbo frames are not activated on my NAS.
Hi Vova,
Did you read my last post?
Do you have any suggestion/procedure for me to try to solve my problem?
Hi @Giulio_Salvioni,
I didn’t forget about you, just wanted to discuss your case with the dev team before reverting back.
Actually, I have one more suggestion. There might be a chance that Sonicwall is somehow interfering with Roon and causing this issue. So I’d like to see what will happen when it is not in the chain.
Since it’s the device which owns DHCP here is how I would do this:
- Connect everything to one switch (nas,core; remote; Auralic)
- Let the Sonicwall assign IP’s to all connected devices
- Disconnect Sonicwall
- Try to reproduce the issue
The other way is to connect everything to one switch (which is out of your network) manually assign IPs to each device and make an attempt to reproduce the issue.
Ok, Vova
I’ll try later today and I’ll let you know how it works.
Thanks and best regards,
Hi vova,
I had followed your procedure but I’m sorry to tell you that nothing has changed.
I suppose that now the Sonicwall should be removed from the list of the possible cause of this malfunction.
Well, this issue is a tough one Can you try the extreme scenario - device with Roon Core directly connected over Ethernet to Device with Roon Remote (nothing else involved: no Aries, switches or router/firewall) ?
Don’t forget to assign static IP addresses before connecting Roon Core and Roon Remote devices directly.
I guess there is no more DHCP server involved in this scenario…
Ok, I suppose that a cross cable I required, correct?
Do you prefer the Intel Atom or the iMac as core Machine?
Yah, cross cable and static IP is the requirement here. iMac as core Machine.
On modern machines cross cables are not a requirement anymore. Most devices support Auto-MDI-X and will work with regular ethernet cables. Just in case you don’t have a cross cable lying around.
Thanks crieke, anyway I will use a cross cable just to be sure and do the test.
Hi vova,
with this configuration everything works perfectly!
Hi vova,
after testing the “extreme scenario” with success, which could be the next step in order to solve my problem?
Now my attention is focused on the ethernet cables, although they are CAT 6 or 5E.
Best regards,
Now you need to find the device which is screwing everything. Try to add removed devices one by one. Start from adding switch between those two machines.
Hi Vova,
After a long test I discovered the following:
the cause of the problem are my HP PS1810-8G switches;
the only workaround to let Roon working correctly is to enable Jumbo Frames on the network interfaces of both Macs (this applies either for the Mac mini with Yosemite and for the iMac 27" with El Capitan), turn on Jumbo Frames on the management panel of both switches and finally turn on Jumbo Frames the network interface of the Intel Atom in the case that it is used as Core machine;
now the only remaining problem is the AURALiC ARIES that could not work as RoonReady endpoint with Jumbo Frames enabled (but still works perfectly with Lightning DS).
Best regards,
There is still something amiss. Roon does not need Jumbo Frames enabled to function correctly.
I’m sure of what you’re saying! In fact If I want to use my ARIES as a RoonReady endpoint I need to disable Jumbo Frames on the Core Machine (either iMac 27 or Intel ATOM). Tomorrow I’ll try a different switch as I’m thinking the problem is in the switch.
I guess, trying another switch is a good idea, you’ve mentioned that you have an Airport Extreme (which has several Ethernet ports IIRC), why not to try that device instead of HP switch?
As for HP switch, you can try to poke around in its settings and try various combinations, or even try to restore the factory settings.
I confirm that the Extreme works well and the problem is in the HP switch.
Hi Vova
I have tested another Hp model (HP ProCurve 1810G - 8 GE), and everything works flawlessly.
I think that the problem is solved and what I need is to buy other two switches. I tried all the firmware versions and every possible setting (even restore to factory defaults), but with no success.
Thanks for support and best regards,