CD's not importing

Hi @support,

I have a Vortexbox Nova running the SonicOrbiter software and using an internal HDD and TEAC CD drive to import new content.

This has worked well for over a year but for the last 14 days or so it has not been importing CD’s. They are accepted by the drive but don’t appear in Roon normally or in the skipped files section. The CD drive is version 1.1 and the SonicOrbiter is v2.5. There is a version 2.7 but the system does not upgrade for some reason.

Are there any import settings i need to check in Roon?

Hi @jeremy_davies,

First, I’d like to point out some documentation we have that may be helpful here. In our KB we have an article about Skipped Files and an article about why some files might be missing from Roon — I definitely recommend giving that second article a read!

Can you share a screenshot of Settings > Storage? Can you also share a screenshot of an example album that hasn’t imported into Roon in the storage location via Finder or Windows Explorer?


Hi Dylan,

I have re-read the notes as you suggest. I cant see an obvious reason why my files have not imported there though. They are a mixture of recent releases on CD and it seems unlikely they would all be affected by one of the file types mentioned or data corruption.

I have taken the screenshot which i have attached.

I cant see an easy way to access the storage location (for files that have not been imported) as its on the Vortexbox nova (running sonicorbiter software) and storage is internal as is the ripper for CD’s.

Hi @jeremy_davies,

Vortexbox has some instructions on there website for accessing the files via File Explorer or Finder. Can you give that a try and take a screenshot of an example album that isn’t showing in Roon?

Hi Dylan,
I cant do this as yet as i am trying to update the software on my sonicorbiter software so cant access anything.

Hello @jeremy_davies,

I just wanted to check in with you here and ask if you’re still experiencing issues with the CDs importing after following Dylan’s instructions. Please let me know when possible.


HI Noris,

The Sonicorbiter software had to be reloaded onto the Vortexbox, now on version 2.7.

After this the CD import function has been working correctly.

Many thanks for the advice.

kind regards


Glad to hear that it all worked out @jeremy_davies!
I wish you a pleasant day!


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