Change request: Qobuz Favorites/Library

please, PLEASE, PLEASE… make it so albums favourited in Qobuz do not show “Add to Library” anymore (when browsing My Qobuz/Favorite Albums"): it really is VERY confusing!

thanks :slight_smile:


I’m still new to Roon, playing around, but what I’m seeing is selecting “Add to Library”, while browsing Qobuz via Roon, adds Qobuz Albums to your Roon Albums listing, so if you start off and browse your non Qobuz albums, you’ll find your Qobuz album mixed in with your own albums as if you own it, it will also have a lilttle Qobuz symbol on the top left. If you Favorite something with the heart while browsing Qobuz albumes via Roon, it will show up in your My Qobuz listing.

albums in “Qobuz/My Qobuz/Favorite Albums” already are in your library: that’s why I say still showing “Add to Library” in there too is very confusing :wink:

It’s how it currently works. There are probably feature requests on the forum asking for change , add your voice.