Hi, I purchased membership. I am retired, in the summer I live in Rhode Island. Everything was working fine. Now I have moved back to Milton, MA. I tried to start, and get the error message “Transport: Couldn’t connect to HDPlayer” which is somewhat confusing since I never purchased or tried “HDPlayer”. Anyway, I suspect the real problem is that roon has to disable my last location, and enable my winter location. Please help, Thanks, Rob
Hello @Robert_Imhoff,
Thanks for contacting support, I’d be happy to assist. I have a few questions to being troubleshooting:
- Can you please provide more information regarding your setup? What Operating System is your core on? What endpoint are you trying to output audio to?
- is it selected as the correct Zone?
- I have not heard of HDPlayer before, do you by any chance mean HQPlayer?
- Are you able to post a screenshot of this message?
- Does this issue affect both local and TIDAL content?
Switching Cores should be a straightforward process where you are presented a page with Authorizations page and I do not believe that this is where the issue lies. I would make sure that the correct zone is selected from the sidebar before attempting to play back music and make sure that the desired zone is enabled in Roon Settings -> Audio Tab (which looks like this):
Please let me know the above when possible.
Thanks, Noris, I got this working. The problem was that My system in this location has different devices, so finding these new devices in Roon settings, and enabling them solved the problem.
Good to know that I don’t need to notify Roon whenever traveling to different locations. The error message did say HQ player, not HDplayer as I stated previously.
Working on Windows 10 thru NAD 3020 device.
Hello @Robert_Imhoff,
Glad to hear that you’re up and running after enabling those devices in Roon Settings! Thanks again for contacting support and I wish you a pleasant listening experience
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