Choices when moving from Nas to Nuc keeping Extensions

I decided to move Roon from my Synology (on Dsm 6.2) to a NUC12WSHi7, 16gb, which is due to arrive this week. (Thanks to @suedkiez for the support).

My consideration is to keep my music on the nas, as any changes are synchronized back upped to the cloud.

My first thought was to just run Rock and be done with it, no Linux tinkering required.

However, I do use the Harmony extension on my Synology Roon at the moment and just read Rock does not support extensions installed on its core.

Leaving me with a couple options I guess, perhaps wrong and perhaps missing some?

1 - a rpi. Just as a bridge for extensions. Which seems overkill and requires some Linux tinkering as well.

2 - Running extension manager on the Nas in Docker. I tried it, downloaded, added it, and understood not much. Seems too difficult for my liking. Comprehensible noob documentation seems scarce.

3 - keep my Roon Docker instance alive on the Nas but run it in bridge with extensions installed on it. I would not know if this is possible?

4 - forget Rock and install Ubuntu and Roon server. Extensions would run and I would have to read into how to install Ubuntu and Roon, but my guess is documentation is better than the tinkering on some of the above solutions.

Any insights and logical steer is appreciated, thank you.

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  1. Get a pi znd ron Dietpi, the extension manager is buil in, jydtcactivate it.


  1. Run windows and run dietpi in a vm. I do this.
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Sorry for the delay in responding, I am not a frequent forum follower. Thank you for your response. Tomorrow my Nuc will be delivered. I will install Rock and focus on getting that to work. Probably dig into getting extensions to work from the Nas, since that is already in my network.