This is Ondine records catalogue number ODE12992D, product No. 761195129920 from Tidal.
The tracks from this wonderful recording are in complete disorder, movements from the different works on this recording are presented interspersed and as such impossible to enjoy. In addition, the album has been released on 2 CD, not on 3 CD as shown in Roon. I’ll attach screenshots to illustrate the problem. I would appreciate very much if Roon could take care of this obvious problem. Thanks.
I added this album to my library from Qobuz, and it identifies and sorts tracks properly. Have you tried to manually identify it using the 3-dot menu>Edit>Identify Album (or Fix Track Grouping)?
Thank you! Manually identifying the album brought up three metadata sets; I was able to choose one apparently provided by the record label and to manually correct the corresponding identifications from Tidal in the right column.
I wasn’t even aware the manual identification of albums worked on albums provided by streaming services, so you made me find out something useful.