City Boy metadata anomalies

One of my favorite 70’s rock groups, City Boy is handled a little strange by Roon. I have all of their albums in my library. When I search City Boy I only get their two last albums. “The day the earth caught fire” and “ Heads are rolling”. The double cds “ city boy/dinner at the ritz” and “ young men gone west/ book early” are missing. When I search for those they come up. I’d like to merge all those under one City Boy. Anyone else with this problem?

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Yes I had the same trouble with City Boy. It seems there are two artists called City Boy and some of the 70s City Boy albums are associated with the other artist. If you merge the two artists that puts all the albums together but also gives you an album from the other artist. However at least thats better than having them separate.

The two first City Boy would merge well except for two rap albums on the latter.

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