Roon Nucleus Rev B running Roon 1.8 Legacy (slow/crap internet)
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Slow internet, Cisco Router hardwired via powerline ethernet to endpoints
Connected Audio Devices
Bryston BDP-1 by Ethernet
Number of Tracks in Library
18,000 Tracks
Description of Issue
Given the terrible internet at our house I’ve been been buying several individual tracks from Qobuz so they stop skipping, then attempting to group the new local track with the rest of the (remote) Qobuz album to create a single album that contains both local and remote tracks.
In principle this works → it initially creates the combination album and plays through normally. However, there’s also a bug where it creates a secondary Qobuz album that lists many duplicate ghost copies of the remote song. If I try and remove this track or album, Roon says that no album is selected and does nothing. If I try and merge the albums I end up with two copies of the same track listed on the combined album of which neither can be played (just jumps to the next track).
I’ve tried removing the album from favourites directly in qobuz and adding all but the purchased song to favourites → also doesn’t work.
I’ve tried cleaning up the library and restarting the nucleus → mixed results (some of the ghost duplicates are removed but some remain.
What is the correct way to do this and presuming this is a bug, will there be a fix for the 1.8 legacy branch which is still in active support? I won’t ever be able to upgrade to 2.0+ given the internet dependency, although 1.8 has been perfect using local files apart from this one issue.
Thanks for taking the time to write in! An odd-sounding issue you have indeed.
First and foremost, can you confirm you have ‘Show hidden tracks and albums’ turned off under Roon Settings>General ?
We’ll need to take a look at reproducing this issue in-house, if you could please provide more specific information about the particular album you’re having issues with, as well as if you could send over a few of the files you’ve used to produce the issue with - you can upload them here.
Thanks very much for the reply Benjamin, show hidden tracks was turned off, the issue occurred with all individual local files when trying to combine into a qobuz album using the ipad to control.
However, I got up this morning, downloaded the windows software, clicked the update software notice for nucleus that started coming up in the last 2 days (even though I was already on the 1151 build), with the intention of screen recording the issue and… nothing. It worked perfectly. Super weird but I’m happy as a pig in mud. Even the ipad app has chosen to work perfectly today. I can now listen to the whole album mix of local and qobuz when the internet is cooperating, and continue to enjoy my local only playlists of favourite offline tracks when it’s not.
1.8 may not have all the latest bells and whistles, the ipad app does crash frequently, and I do miss horizontal scrolling, but after 2-3 years of spending a small fortune on network equipment, nucleus etc trying to resolve the “this media is loading slowly” problem for literally hours on end every time I wanted to listen to music without resolve, I can say I’m finally totally happy having realised the only issue was I needed to build my digital library locally as the bandwidth requirement of HD and MQA tracks was killing it for me - thank you qobuz store! I have never had a single problem with roon skipping tracks on my endpoint when listening to my local files and LOVE that I can enjoy my music again. Thank you Roon team!!!