Composer and Lyricist Credits for "The Way We Were" are Incorrect in Roon

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The composer and lyricist credits for this song are incorrect.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

I chose to use my title content rather than Roon’s.

Is the album identified in Roon?

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Local Files.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

The following two screenshots contain data from MusicBrainz. The information regarding the composer and lyricists is correct.

Note the Writer credits for the first entry of “The Way We Were,” the entry for “We Were Always Sweethearts,” and the entry for “Ex-Factor.”

Here are screenshots of the information about this song that appears in Roon:

On this album, the song has 16 credits according to Roon. The same soundtrack version of this song also appears on the album, “Just For the Record,” but that song has 24 credits according to Roon. No screenshot included here.

I have been working with a gentleman at to fix the files of a few songs, but doubt that this problem can be blamed on MusicBrainz’s database. FYI, I have noticed quite a few errors in those background notes that appear in black, such as the last screenshot. As a user, I prefer to see no information rather than erroneous information. Thanks.

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