Composition should be shown twice

Content you’re reporting an issue with

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Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

This is an interesting issue and not sure how solvable but I will try. This album includes two versions of the complete Diabelli variations by the same pianist on two different pianos. Roon shows it as a single composition, while in fact the right way would be to have the same composition twice. Is there any way this could be improved on or I could edit it manually?

Not only is there an issue with the grouping, but Qobuz is identifying the artist as “Dmitry Ablogin, Fortepiano & Piano” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Interesting observation! I wonder though if the problem is on Qobuz side only.
Technically he is playing a Fortepiano (first series) and a piano (second series), could it be that this breaks the Roon parsing of metadata?

On the Qobuz app the information is not shown in that form so I cannot validate.

I suspect that this is an error at source; Roon is not the issue here.

Ok, thanks. How can I validate it for myself in the future?

You can edit the album now to fix the Primary artist and Album Artist credits, or wait until they get fixed at source (which could be a while).

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