Connecting to a DAC that is not networked

Thanks to all who provided me with advice. I have ordered a Fiio SR11 and will give that a try.


Just move the Roon Server :man_facepalming:


And you’re probably not going to get DSD512 unless you connect a Windows computer.

DSD64 – DSD512 Compatible
Optional Windows Driver Available (Needed for High Speed DSD Interface)

It won’t via Roon or its own software all gets converted to PCM. if you use software that will force DoP encapsulation such as LMS then it will pass it through to a dac but only up to DSD64. The Wiims architecture is limited to 192/24 even though the DAC is capable of handling higher. It converts all to 192/24 if it’s higher than this even with usb pass through.

The SR11 is only capable of connecting to DACs by DoP it won’t support higher than DSD256. Roon will send native to it but the device can only send out DoP and will encapsulate it to DoP.

I wish folks would stay on topic and to the point with the OP.

This isn’t about you and you Topping, it’s about @Jose_Cadalzo and the Geshelli J3 DAC.

I read that screenshot you shared from Geshelli Labs as a driver is required if the JC3 DAC is connected to a computer running Microsoft Windows. I would not expect a driver to be required for Apple macOS (like the SR11, DoP, so supports up to DSS256) or Linux (often capable of native DSD up to DSD512).

I don’t have a JC3 DAC at hand, but I’m fairly confident that DSD512 is possible from the Raspberry Pi 4 I’m using. No Windows computer or Windows driver required.

Agreed that neither Windows nor DSD512 are relevant to this discussion since they were not mentioned in the OP’s requirements. But I would not want other readers of this thread to be under the impression that the J3 DAC requires a Windows computer for DSD512 playback if that’s not true.

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Going to the Geshelli website for this DAC would be helpful. As they say about DSD (my bold).

Optional Windows Driver Available (Needed for High Speed DSD Interface)

Given the USB module used is the Amnero which has a really spotty history with Linux and Higher rate DSD (see the whole T+A DSD DAC 8 sequence); that indeed a Windows PC might be needed to achieve the highest native DSD rate.

However, I always suggest that a user contact a DAC manufacturer directly to ask about Linux and native DSD. In the interest of science, I already sent a message to Geshelli tech support asking the question about the JNOG3.


Screenshot of Geshelli specs looks a bit odd, with the rates they are listing, but chances are that DoP is supported, and OP’s requirements can be satisfied by a large number of existing devices.

However, native DSD isn’t supported on MacOS at all (well, it could work if the manufacturer were to provide a custom driver for it, but I am not sure if anyone ever saw one being provided), is very spotty on Linux (i.e. it might work, if the supportt for a particular DAC has been baked in, which is an iffy proposition on self-contained streamers where you can’t hack one in yhourself), so a Windows device is most likely to actually work right away without any jumping through hoops.

I would say that something like Higole mini-PC makes for a very nice Roon endpoint, and even runs full Roon remote on the built-in touch screen. And with HDMI and multiple USB outputs you could even connect multiple DACs to it…

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There has already been several threads on Gesheli DACs and this one I believe. Unless you can update the firmware on the USB side which is not easy on them then it’s unlikely to work with a Linux based streamer for native DSD. Not that it matters if the op has gone for for SR11 as it doesn’t support Native DSD out.

Cool. As long as the G3 works with DoP up to DSD256, everyone will be happy. :smiley:

Hello Jose - lots of good information. One solution not mentioned is the SoTM Neo. I use this into a Chord DAC. Supports the Roon RAAT protocol and many others. Well made, well designed (see the detailed tear-down on Audio Science Review). It is an appliance and needs no care. Roon ‘sees’ the Chord DAC directly and thus knows all the capabilities of the DAC without any intervention needed.

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Thanks Christopher. I have ordered a SOtM sMS-200 Neo and will try that when it arrives. If it improves the sound over the iFi Zen Streamer I am using now, then I will keep it.

Thank David for your suggestion. I tried it for a couple days and found that sound quality was not to my liking. When comparing the sound to the iFi Zen Streamer, the iFi was richer and much more dynamic.

You sure you used Roon Ready on it, one thing I cant say is it sounds poor. With USB it sounded as good as any source I have fed into my RME. Did you update the Firmware to the latest version as thats needed to make it Fully Roon Ready, but if you sent it back its of no use now.

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I’m surprised and sorry to hear that. I would have expected the Geshelli Labs J3 to sound great with any reliable transport. I do wonder if settings in the SR11 could have played a role in the outcome. I’ve had excellent results with Roon mode and fixed (rather than variable) output. The digital volume control is enabled by default in the SR11, and the implementation is not great. Fixed mode resolved these issues for me.

I assume you used USB for both the iFi ZEN Stream and the FiiO SR11. Different cables would have been required, but I would not expect a significant difference due to cable choice unless the SR11 cable was faulty.

In the US, some power plugs can be inserted into receptacles two different ways. Sometimes orientation choice can have a subtle effect when two components are connected to the same circuit.

There may have been other aspects of setup to explore before returning the SR11, but I hope the SOtM works out for you.