Connection Error from Raspberry Pi 4 to Spotify


I am using RoPieee on a Raspberry Pi 4 with the official 7" touchscreen and trying to use Spotify Connect for my streamer.

I have followed the tutorial as best as I can to utilize Spotify Connect in the RoPieee web interface.

The touchscreen will show the clock, but when I touch it, it shows “! Connection Failure It seems there’s a problem with the connection”.

I am able to use the RoPieee web interface to make changes, etic. but the Raspberry Pi does not seem to want to connect for some reason.

I have double-checked my Spotify username and password and they should be correct.

Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated. I hope it is some dumb error I have made.

are you using it with Roon? or just Spotify?

Because the screen only works with Roon, so even if you’re streaming Spotify there will be nothing showing on the screen (for the time being… I believe that’s something Harry is interested in changing)

Oh, I’m using it with just Spotify. I did not get a Roon subscription. I think it is like $50 per year.

So, you are saying that this would cause the Connection Error on the screen? Because nothing is happening at all, just the error message.

I thought that was not necessary with Spotify Connect. My bad. I thought I had thoroughly read the manual, but I guess I missed that.

Yes, the screen only shows the connection to a specific Roon zone (even if you’re using spotify)

Spotify should work, and if it doesnt then something might be wrong… but the screen error isn’t relevant to that diagnosis.