Connectivity issues with Nucleus

This is my NAS’ (Roon Core) network use, with everything off except Roon. It’s streaming 44.1/16 to a single endpoint and displaying to my Lounge TV. Blue is what it’s sending out, green is what it’s pulling in. This is pretty tame based on my experience:


~35 Mbps total bandwidth playing Red Book (~ 1.4 Mbps) to a single end point.

Unfortunately your network connectivity doesn’t meet the required standard (we’ve all been there)
So you need to, as a temporary measure, connect directly to the router to prove where the problem is.
As previously mentioned not only can mesh networks be very unreliable but standard wifi really is no better when running Roon.

Hi @Sunder_Subbaroyan

Just curious by your comment.

Are you also using the Nucleus+ as you endpoint?

If not, moving it and connecting it direct to your Router is the best path to a solution.

Is it possible to feed an ethernet cable between your nodes for backhaul (data traffic). This’ll help also.


A post was split to a new topic: Core has probably stopped and just needs relaunching but why did it stop?

Hi Menzies

I apologize for not understanding ‘end point’.

The Nucleus+ is Ethernet connected to the mesh node.

The Nucleus + is operated by either a Roon Remote on our IPad or IPhone.

Best regards


No need to apologise. An Endpoint is your streamer, the component that captures the stream from Roon.

Some will use the Roon Server, in your case the Nucleus+ as the endpoint connected to a DAC.

Is this your primary node?

If not and your nodes are wirelessly connected this is likely to cause the issues.

A full ethenett connected setup is recommended.


I am back with connectivity issues

Today it started with ‘Roon Search’ is unavailable.

Thereafter, I cannot connect to my Roon Nucleus+.

Not a network connectivity issue as I was previously advised. Why say so? Because I can access Roon to play my stored albums and it continues to keep playing my stored albums. However I can no longer access my playlists or Tidal through Roon. I can access Roon independently.

I too am an early adopter of Roon with a Lifetime subscription, but have to say there is a continuing substantial flaw, which the community help / chat concept does not solve and cannot solve.

While my frustration was previously incorrectly voiced according to the Roon monitors, for which I have apologized, now what?

There is a fundamental Room connectivity issue and there is Roon Arc connectivity issue as well. The latter does not get addressed.

When Roon connects and its functionality performs it is awesome. However, every other week issue brings into question its viability.


Hi Folks

Back to unable to connect to Roon Nucleus +

Today, after a few weeks of no issues, it started with unable to ‘Roon Search’ and thereafter I cannot access my playlists. However, can access my stored albums.

I have deleted my Roon Remote and reinstalled and it keeps stating ‘Looking for your Roon Server’ while playing my albums of the stored files. Thereafter it reverts to choose your Roon Server.

I have rebooted Nucleus+, deleted and reinstalled the Roon Remote on both my I Pad and I Phone.

Still looking for ‘Nucleus Core ‘.

What else should I do?

You may believe this, but all the reported symptoms (and indeed the logs reviewed by the Support team) point to network reliability issues.

Have you connected your Nucleus directly to your router as advised earlier?

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Hi Geoff

I have had no issues for 3 weeks. Was listening to music for nearly 3 hours and wanted to search for a new artist which resulted in cannot conduct a ‘Roon Search’. I then revertrd to listening to albums in my library (off the SIM card in the Nucleys+).

Then updated Roon Remote on the I Pad and now dead in water

I cannot even connect to the Roon Nucleus +. Has nothing to do with connecting to the server.

I have rebooted, deleted apps etc. no luck. Typically it would say, choose another Core. Not even that now.


Happy to send you screenshots if you could advise me as to how one may attach a screen shot from my photos.

Sorry to hear you’re still having problems.

It would be helpful, to those trying to help, if you answered the previous questions.

Is your Nucleus connected directly to your router?

Is your mesh node the primary node?

The answers to these will give us some direction to help further.


I just tried my Roon Arc. It finds my Nucleus+ as well as play lists. So it is connecting with my Nucleus +.

Nucleus+ is directly connected to a mesh node

Hi quick response :+1:t4:

Is the mesh node your primary node, that is, the node that connects directly to your broadband or does it connect to a router which in turn connects to broadband?

Unless someone in the help forum is remotely rebooting my Nucleus+, I may have a Nucleus+ hardware issue as it keeps powering down and rebooting.

Mesh node connects to another node that is directly connected to the router

Switch off at the power inlet, unplug it for a few minutes then power up again and see what happens.

This is not a connectivity issue or a mesh issue. In the past the app would ask for a different core. I cannot even get there