Continuous refreshing of the label window

Roon core Win10 roon version 1.8 bulid 795.

My albums / focus / labels

@suport @dylan @beka @noris

When I expand the full list of labels, roon refreshes the window every few seconds and keeps moving to the first row from the top. When I move the list down with the mouse wheel or the sidebar, the view returns to the top after a few seconds. You cannot choose anything this way because after a few seconds you always lond on the first line ofd the top.
This happens on a computer with win10. On the roon remote, android phone is ok.

Hey @MrSalieri,

So sorry about the behavior you’re experiencing on your PC. Could you please try running the Intel Driver tool and let us know if that helps?

The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant helps keeps your system up-to-date by detecting when updates are available.

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My IT colleague suggested a problem with the graphics card drivers. It helped.

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