Copying a Playlist to Different Account

Revisiting a question I posed a couple of years ago. I have two Roon accounts, one at home, one at work. They have duplicate libraries on external hard drives, and some playlists are mixed local HD and TIDAL. I have multiple playlists on each that are not identical. I have developed lists that are unique to each account. I tend to develop more playlists on the home account, because, well, work. I would like to duplicate some of these on the work computer without losing the lists that are currently unique to that machine. For this reason, the previously suggested solution of using the Roon back-up from home is not viable. Is there a way yet to copy the data representing an individual playlist to another account?

Hey @Ken_Phelps,

Thanks so much for following up on your 2 year old question - and it’s good to have you back on community :relieved:

I’m sorry it took us this long to get back to you - we’ve been working through an unprecedented number of requests.

Things haven’t changed since then and, restoring a backup (including playlists and preferences) on another account is not possible.

What you might consider is using the export function on your playlist:

That way, you’ll have a database of all the tracks in that playlist. Free services like soundiiz might be helpful in importing those to your streaming service, like TIDAL.

Please note that only tracks added in your Roon library will be part of this export.

I wish the workaround didn’t have as many steps :pleading_face: