You can pick the first entry ( Exxceed-50112/home/trigon/SSD/Al Stewart), click the “3 dots” menu next to it, choose Edit, then edit the path to just Exxceed-50112/home/trigon/SSD.
Then use the 3 dots menus by the other entries to Remove them.
Have you been able to add the RIPP drive to your Storage as a Watched Folder?
I’m beginning to think that the Roon Core in the Exxceed Audio Server does not behave in quite the same way as in a Nucleus or ROCK/NUC. If you are finding that CD rips are still getting placed in the SSD, then I would contact Trigon Audio direct and ask them what is happening here,
Daft question - clicking the dots and editing brings up a DB (as listed in your reply) but I can’t see where the pathway can be edited as you suggest unless I need to copy the file name into the ignored paths?
Totally unsure how to move existing files to the RIPP storage. Apologies - bit of a fix here I think.