Corrupt files in local ssd Nucleus

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Hello, my first post in here. I have used Nucleus for about three years now, and it has worked fine all the time. I have a 2TB Samsung ssd in it with my ripped cd´s. They are ripped with db poweramp to flac with a windows computer. Suddenly a couple of months ago roon found out that these files were corrupt and would not play them any more. Now they do not show up in my library any more. Two weeks ago, after holyday i restarted roon and suddenly they were back in the library, and I could play them all, but after some days roon told me again that they were corrupt, and they do not show up in the library any more. I wonder if there could be a simple solution for this?

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Is the album identified in Roon?

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Hi @Skjalg_Ola_Bendiksen,
Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue. I think the next step here is to enable some diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here.

However, before I enable this feature, I’d like to ask for your help ensuring we gather the right information.

First, can you please reproduce the issue once more and note the time at which the error occurs. Then respond here with that time, and I’ll make sure we review the diagnostics related to that timestamp.

Hello, and thanks for fast responding.
The issue is that my Nucleus has found that my local flac files are corrupt and will not play them. When I then restart the Nucleus they do not show up in my library. Only my content from Qobus shows up. I have restarted the Nucleus several times but the local files will not show up. This issue occured first time some months ago, but when I got home from holiday almost tree weeks ago and powered up the Nucleus the local files were suddenly back in my library. I could play them with no issues and I was very happy with that. Suddenly after some days when trying to play local files I got the message that the files were corrupt and could not be played. Every local album I tried to play gave me the same message. After restarting the Nucleus none local files will show up in the library. Have tried several times to restart, but with same result.

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the issue now because of the lack of my local files in the library

Okay if the problem returns please let us know.

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Hi @Skjalg_Ola_Bendiksen,
Thanks for getting back to us. We will continue troubleshooting here. Based on our diagnostics we believe you may have a corrupt database. To confirm can you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

If the corruption is confirmed you will need to restore a backup from before this corruption started.