Cover art issue with folder

Hi, when I put several tracks into one folder, all correctly and individual tagged, and tag them all into one album to avoid that Roon shows under added many albums with just one track, the cover art of the file is ignored and Roon shows just one random cover, mostly the cover of the first trag, for all tracks. Strange is, that all other tags are shown correctly, only the cover art is wrong. Any idea how to fix this?

This has been often discussed and it’s how it is. Albums have covers, tracks don’t. You can vote for the feature suggestion here:

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The point is clear…but as I can select in the options “prefer file” it shouldn’t be rocket science tomhave this working? Just force, if set to prefer file, the artwork of the file…regardless what is playing. The tracks of an album have regularly all the same artwork, so shouldn’t disturb anyway?

Yeah, something like this might be the feature suggestion but it just doesn’t exist yet.

Is there One image file called “folder” in the folder. ?

I think "cover’ may work too.

They want a different cover for each track

Ah misread that , not possible as far as i know.

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