CPE Bach gets no respect, or how do I tell allmusic they're wrong?

I have a problem with metadata on the CPE Bach Symphonies “Hamburg”. The listing on allmusic has the album, but lists all the tracks for all 6 symphonies together in a list - each symphony is not separate. This is wrong. This is a set of 6 symphonies put together under one Wq number, each symphony consisting of 3 movements.

I am not surprised that Roon gets it wrong, since it’s wrong in allmusic. How do I get allmusic to fix this, so that Roon can too?
They do the same thing for all the recordings of all the CPE Bach symphonies that are part of sets. As I said, CPE gets no respect. Except from Beethoven, of course…

Thanks for any help on this.


Hi @Jan_Martin, please would you provide an allmusic.com link? I’ll ping TiVo née Rovi née AMG to see if they have better detail. Thanks.

Hi @joel, here’s a couple of links for the albums I have
Here’s a couple other ones, same problem

And for a special treat, here’s one where they do it right:

I hope this helps. Thanks much for looking into this.


Got to love this! :slight_smile:

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So here we are many months later, and nothing has changed. The metadata on allmusic is still wrong, and Roon still doesn’t know there are 6 separate symphonies on these albums. I notice now there is a method with some new tags called WORK and PART that would allow me to fix this if Roon didn’t recognize the albums.

Would it be possible to add this extra layer of organization (WORK) to a recognized album, and override the bogus metadata from the allmusic database or wherever? That would allow me to fix this and not have to wait for some big megasite to notice my little problem. Which it’s not going to, of course. I mean, who cares about an album that maybe has only a few hundred copies out there, right?


Hi @Jan_Martin. We’re currently discussing possibilities for this within the team.