Cubox-i4Pro and Ropieee

Greetings all. I am new to all this. Currently running the free trial of Roon on my lap top connected directly to a Cambridge 851N. I would like to try out a low cost bridge so that I can move CORE onto my main PC in another room and control with a android tablet. After much reading I was leaning towards the Allo USBridge - but it looks like it is no longer available. So now I am looking at a Cubox-i4Pro. It meets my current price requirements. My questions is is it compatible with RoPieee? I’m not much of a tech and like the idea of plug and play.
Cheers for any advise.


No, RoPieee requires a Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 4. The 1g version of the 4 is sufficient, and recommended for USB.

Allo has a new Usbridge Signature that is supported by RoPieee.


Thank you - the Allo signature is $249 - I prefer the price of the CuBox. What operating system will the CuBox accept?

Thanks again.

For CuBox questions I suggest you contact the vendor.