Current issues with Qobuz and Roon?

As of this writing, 28 Nov 2022, Qobuz is very intermittent in Roon. Some songs just won’t play. No errors, just no audio. Qobuz itself directly works fine. Local library works fine.

Just wondering if there are others experiencing this issue right now. Or am I just lucky?

I’m using Qobuz via Roon right now without issue (USA).

In Roon settings/services log out of Qobuz then log back in again. this has been known to work :crossed_fingers:t4:

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Currently on the way not able to test

No issues here using Qobuz via Roon and Roon ARC

for me qobuz works fine at home but only half of the time via arc

Since today, I have the following issue: Roon stops playback after each song, for example when I select an album in Qobuz and play that one. Very annoying.

This is not happening with local files.