Custom DAC override

With Audirvana I can Override my Atoll DAC, with Roon I can’t.

What do you mean by “override”?

In Audirvana Studio …

Does this not help?

Only these options

Quite often there are more options obtained by draging that screen upwards to reveal settings that are off the bottom of the display area.

E.g. For my Fiio K9


Thank you very much, but also this other screen is not for override.

What‘s there to override? If the DAC can do 192 kHz sample rate, forcing it to 384 won’t achieve anything good. I don’t get it

You can’t override a DACs internal specifications. Your DAC doesn’t support anything over 192/24 so Roon want allow you to go higher as it’s pointless as either it won’t play or it’s downsample to allow the DAC to accept it. Why do you think this would do anything?

I have already tried with Audirvana and it works perfectly. I also wrote to Atoll and they confirmed that the BB dac they use in the ms120 can easily support those resolutions that Audirvana shows in override.

Then why don’t they write this in their own specifications and why does the DAC not report it?

That said, is there really no higher option in this menu?

No higher options

Maybe 192 kHz was the maximum that was certified over RAAT during Roon Ready certification? Or maybe it’s simply a mistake?

Perhaps this should be a Support thread rather than a Feature Suggestion?

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Why would Atoll not advertise the true capabilities, knowing how the market works?

No matter what Audirvana or Atoll purport, looking at BB/TI spec sheet for the device used, I can‘t think of a way that could ever be possible.
These are restrictions baked into the chip design, no?


Excuse me, you tell me that you don’t have time to dedicate to me to understand better and then you get stuck on a question like this? I wrote to Atoll, having Atoll, and they responded to me. I can’t tell you anything else. I can only confirm that while with other DACs with the same limits if I sent a dsd512 file or a PCM 735 they didn’t play, my BB plays.
This is the Atoll answer

Oui nous savons que le PSM1796 ainsi que le PCM1792 sont capables de convertir des fichiers avec un taux d’échantillonnage plus élevé.
Cependant, ces données n’étant pas dans la documentation technique du convertisseur PSM1796, nous ne pouvons communiquer sur le fait que cela fonctionne car les utilisateurs les plus avertis se poserons des questions sur notre sincérité et la sincérité de BurrBrown et nous passerons énormément de temps à nous justifier.

Les appareils ATOLL sont tous Bitperfect et ne traitent pas les données audio numériques avant conversion : la résolution que nous déclarons est bien conservatrice par rapport aux capacités du DAC annoncées par son fabricant.

Tony Levallois
ATOLL Electronique
Boulevard des Merisiers
50370 Brécey

Now, let‘s back up a step and not get personal, please!
Peace, and have a nice weekend …

Peace, and have a nice weekend …