Database update failure: v.1432 to v.1442 (ref#0IPSO5)

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Updating database from v.1432 to v 1442 failed

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Qnap-qhora 301w

Roon Labs provides a troubleshooting guide for that:

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I know this site with that kind of solution but problem is that i have backups from last one year but can’t restore anyone.

I need more sofististicated help than finally simply create new database.

28/6/2024 roon was updated to ver 2.1432 and I have > 50 backups with database ver 2. 1432.
18/7/2024 roon played normalny and in the night was updated to ver 2.1442 and forced (without prior asking) database update with finally failure.

Backups restoration from another version (ver. 2.1413, .1407, .1299) finally finished failure.
In logs from database updating last working database from 18/7/2024 is line with critical message:

08/04 22:00:45 Critical: Library.EndMutation: System.InvalidOperationException: missing performer 19248250 (122:0:MN0001013635)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.MusicDatabase._GeneratePerformer(Int64 performerid, Boolean cache)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.MusicDatabase.TryGetValue(Int64 performerid, PerformerLiteData& data, Boolean cache)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library._GetPerformerByIdUnmapped(Int64 performerid, Boolean quiet)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library._GetAllPerformerIds(Int64 perfid)+MoveNext()
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library.GetPerformerById(Int64 performerid, Boolean quiet, Boolean require_has_references)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library.TryGetCredit(CreditData credit, Boolean quiet)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryUtils.CopyCreditList(LibraryMutationEnv env, CreditData credits, Nullable`1 removes)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum._Load(LibraryMutationEnv env, AlbumLiteData album)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum…ctor(LibraryMutationEnv env, AlbumLiteData album)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library.GetAlbumById(Int64 albumid, Boolean quiet, Boolean require_has_references)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryTrack._Load(LibraryMutationEnv env, TrackLiteData track)
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryMutationEnv.Finish()
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.Library.EndMutation()
08/04 22:00:45 Trace: [library] endmutation in 1460952ms
08/04 22:00:45 Info: [loadstatus] IsLibraryLoadFailed False => True
08/04 22:00:45 Info: [loadstatus] IsLocalLibraryLoading True => False
08/04 22:00:45 Trace: [roondns] flushed 4 last-known-good entries

But this is a first step in troubleshooting. It would be good to know if that worked for you. Second step is try and restore from a backup. For this to work it is assumed that the disk and the backups are healthy. IMHO somewhat unlikely because you probably would never have run into this issue if all was o.k… A further test could be to create a new empty database again and start from scratch, pointing this new installation at your music, let Roon do it’s recognition and see if the system (disk) is stable. If it fails then likely because your disk is failing.

PS: You should try and look at logs from your failed restore attempts – at least to me nothing sticks out as being fatal in the log snippet you provided.

Else just be patient and wait until Roon Labs support responds to you in this thread.

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I create for test purpose new fresh database with one folder with Music and all works well including restoring backups new database - but from beginning it is backups ver 2.1442.

As a supplement:

In June `24 I replace my SSD drives to Factory NEW WD Red 1TB - from this time i have updated roon from ver 2.1413 to 2.1432 and made > 50 backups ver 2.1432 (both database and backups on new SSD) . During this time roon was playing > 200h.

Hi @Krzysztof_Grygorowic,

We’ve activated diagnostic logging for your RoonServer instance on the QNAP. Unfortunately, diagnostics indicate evidence of latent corruption on this database.
Part of the database is corrupted, but the database can still load. Updates have a tendency of revealing latent corruption as it begins to metastatized across the database.

The Backups you’ve been restoring will contain the corruption and you’ll need to consider them unreliable. Try to restore your oldest Backup and test for library load failures - if you see no symptoms after a day or two, then restore the next chronological Backup.

  1. I was trying during 2 weeks restoration many backups from differ times - without result - it is time consuming proccess - min. 45 minutes.

  2. Is possible install previous version roon ver 2.1432 (I would need file installer qpkg) and rescan database to repair bad entry?. Then i could update to 2.1442.

  3. In log file which I post erlier is number of missing performer - it means that this entry could be deleted - manualy or automatic. I don’t have proper tool to make this operation.

  4. is possible to code a patch (similar to latest hotfix for Mac) by People from roon responsible for implementation of database structure - this patch could modify update database feature in a such way - when Bad entry occur - ignore this antry and don’t copy/convert to new database. For yours programers this solution could not require to many efforts but allows users saved old data from database (e.g 90-95%)

I am using for backup laptops data Acronis backup which have one valuable feature - user can periodically (even after each backup) perform validation integrity of backup. This solution get user confidence that backup don’t contains errors. I Think that similar solution should be implemented by Roon to avoid in the future silent corruption data. Not every user has Enterprise class Server with ECC RAM and this situation with silent corruption data could occur. But additional checking system could minimize replicating errors in consecutive backups.

Hi @Krzysztof_Grygorowic,

This is unfortunately not possible at this time.

I’d suggest moving this over to the Feature Suggestions category, as it will receive the proper eyes and attention for such requests.

The only option within Roon, for now, is to attempt a restore from an older backup that predates the issue, or, if none are available, unfortunately, start with a fresh Roon database and re-import your local library + sync streaming services.

It’s certainly no fun being in this position - you have my apologies as there isn’t much else we can do at this time.

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