Different "work" titles showing

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Description of the issue

I have named the last two works on this disc as Images Book I & Book II.

I notice that Roon is displaying its own name for the pieces in the track list, but my name for the pieces in the play bar.

Which I think is interesting, seeing as we’ve just had a very long conversation about trying to get Roon to use my tags.

It’s also interesting that it’s using my tags for the individual pieces but not the titles.

Hey @Snowdog,

Thanks for getting in touch about this. This is a bit of a strange one. Let me touch base with the team and see what I can find out. Can you tell me if the album has been identified in Roon? If it isn’t you should see Unidentified near the album data just above the track listing. Thanks!

This album is “unidentified” in Roon.

Hey @Snowdog,

Turns out that what you’re seeing in intended behavior and not an anomaly, I was mistaken. Roon will display Work/Part on the album display but use the track name in the Now Playing window. This is because there could be more detail in the track information, this handling allows us to display as much metadata as possible.

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