Digi2 Pro not detected

ID: ad2ac0b11076cbc4

My Digi2 Pro was automatically detected by Ropieee, but it doesn’t show up in Roon. USB is working though. I haven’t used it in some time, but the hat has worked in the past with an earlier version of Ropieee. Any troubleshooting tips that might help would be appreciated.

Just checking, you set the Digi2 pro in the Ropieee WebUi

and you don’t see the digi2 Pro endpoint of the Pi in settings audio in Roon just the USB endpoint?

Note: I had to manually assign the icon for the digi+ indicated to show the digi+ icon

I this the case?

Yes, I did that, but only the Ropieee USB output shows up in Roon settings.

I had Digi 2 Pro and my Roon show me only Digi+ or Digi Dac. Never seen Digi 2 Pro like endpoint.

@spockfish, do you see anything in my feedback to explain what the problem is? The Digi2 Pro used to work, but the last time I used it was at least 6 months ago. Thanks

ID: ad2ac0b11076cbc4

the device isn’t properly initialized.

There is this: https://www.hifiberry.com/blog/compatibility-issues-of-the-digi2-pro-and-raspberry-pi-4-rev-1-5/

Thanks for checking. I have an earlier version of the RPi 4, 1.2 I believe. The hat was working previously, maybe something has gone wrong with it.