Disambiguating "Stephanie Jones"

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Yes, but only of the two FLAC folders of content (From Assad to Walton) and (Tapas de Espana).and the MP3 folder (Bach, the Fly and the Microphone).

Is the album identified in Roon?

All three are “Unidentified”

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local files

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

a search for “Stephanie Jones” brings up 3 versions:

  1. a seeming random collection of albums

  2. one that I established when I had Roon search my local folders for content and found 3 folders of content (obtained from the artist as FLAC/MP3 files)

  3. a Roon-version that has 3 related albums (but not the 3 others that are formally released as CDs - maybe because my streaming source (Qobuz) doesn’t have them)

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