Hey @Pete_Moody – thanks for checking in. This thread has gotten a little unwieldy, so I want to try and untangle things a little bit.
As I mentioned earlier today, we have not done a lot of Android specific work over the last few months. There are also a few tickets open regarding the Discover screen, and we are planning to tackle those soon as well, which is another reason why this issue has languished longer than we’d like.
I can reproduce some performance issues related to the Discover screen, and rest assured that we’re tracking this and intend to address the problem. I’ve added this the agenda for a dev meeting we have scheduled for later this week, and I’ll follow up here with an update once that happens.
There are a lot of other issues mentioned in passing in this thread, and I want to make sure we don’t lose track of those either. For now, I’ve renamed this thread to reflect our focus on the Discover issue. If you’re having _any_other issues related to Roon or Android, please open a new thread in the Support section with full details of your setup so we can investigate.
Thanks for your patience everyone.