Of the last six albums I have added to my library, three are showing up under the “added” tab on the home page and three aren’t although they all show up in th “my albums” page. Also, the last six albums that do show up in “added” all say they were “added 24 days ago” data even though they were all added on different dates and none of them 24 days ago. My import settings are what they’ve been from day one and this is the first time there’s been a problem. Another album has been added since these “invisible” ones and it shows up perfectly in the home page. And I haven’t previously added these problematic albums to Roon. The albums are local, not streamed. I tagged them myself but that is true of the other 2623 albums in my library and they are not versions of anything else. Nothing at all has been done differently with these albums than to anything else in my library. Also, the fact that everything I have put into my library in the last two months, whether it shows on the homepage or not, is shown as having been added 24 days ago on the 20th of December when that is not the case since I was in Italy at the time, suggests a bug somewhere. There is also the issue of the play history showing a huge gap between 8 days ago and the middle of October and all those albums added since then and up to 8 days ago showing no plays at all despite having been played a lot since being added. My system is used pretty much daily so this gap in the play history is baffling.
Describe your network setup
Ethernet, Billion 7800 router, TPLink managed switch sending to Meridian 218 Zone Controller
Hi @Alan_McMillan,
Thanks for writing in to ask us about this issue. To begin troubleshooting we’d like to try to reproduce this issue in house. Can you please upload one of the albums you are having trouble with to this link? Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
I have discovered that these albums are in the “added” section of the homepage but the last eight I have added are all given as having been added 25 days ago which is not true.
There is also the issue of the huge gap in my play history going back to October the 13th.
Apologies if this has been glazed over, but have you safely stopped Roon Server from running, and rebooted both your server machine as well as your router?
Do you see the same issue occur afterwards?
Do you have any recent backups you’d be able to test out?
Do you have ‘show hidden tracks and albums’ enabled via Roon Settings>General?
Hi @benjamin
I have stopped and rebooted the server and the problem remained.
I have also loaded up a couple of backups and again the problem was still showing.
The hidden tracks and albums setting is set to “no”.
Is this case across all your Roon remotes? What happens if you enable all remotes to ‘Yes’?
What type of content were you playing during this gap?
And lastly, can you confirm you’ve remained within the same profile during all playback?
Had you added this content at any point prior to this? Or, was this the very first time you’ve added the above content? Can you confirm Roon properly identified all content?
It may be good to simply your network chain while we troubleshoot - remove the managed switch and get a direct ethernet connection from your Server to your router.
Let’s also delete your cache folder and see if that helps:
Hi @benjamin
I’ve appended the answers to your questions in the order they were asked:
Is this case across all your Roon remotes? What happens if you enable all remotes to ‘Yes’? No difference
What type of content were you playing during this gap? Local content only. I have no streaming services
And lastly, can you confirm you’ve remained within the same profile during all playback? Yes
Had you added this content at any point prior to this? No
Or, was this the very first time you’ve added the above content? Yes
Can you confirm Roon properly identified all content? Yes
I can confirm the managed switch is now bypassed and that removing the contents of the cache folder made no difference.
Go it, thanks for the follow-up @Alan_McMillan! Quite an odd issue you have here.
Another area worth reviewing is the storage location and file modification dates - since you’re only adding local files, Roon could potentially be using the file modification date instead of the actual import date. Could you check the file metadata and compare timestamps to see if they align with what Roon is displaying?
Perhaps running a library clean-up may help remove any ghost entries causing mismatching as well - just be sure to review things prior to performing this, as it will permanently remove any content that falls into this bucket.
Have you by chance tested to see if the import date is resetting? To do this, if possible, you can move an album out of the storage folder, force a rescan, and then move it back in. If the “Date Added” changes, this could suggest that Roon is treating it as a new import rather than retaining the previous history.
In Roon these three albums all have an import date of 20th December, a date when I wasn’t even in the country!
I ran a library cleanup as you suggested and it got rid of 143 files but it made no difference to anything else.
I then removed one of the albums, forced a rescan and then reimported it. It was then listed as having been imported today.
What software did you use to tag these files outside of Roon? Was it WavePod sound editor, as indicated in the screenshot above?
Diagnostics indicate that Roon is scanning thousands of files in a watched folder that it determines are corrupt and unimportable. These files are separate from those you’ve indicated above. However, systemic resets of import date suggest either a) Roon is treating these files as completely new and occasionally reimporting in the background after rescans or b) there is an issue with the export/import process specific to this tag editing software that is preventing Roon from ingesting and rescanning these files.
Hi @connor
I use MP3 Tag for my metadata but there’s nothing new in that; I’ve been using it since day one in 2017 and it never was an issue before, why would it be now? Besides, one of the files that was showing up incorrectly was removed yesterday and then reinserted and it now shows correctly so if I wanted I could do the same for the others that show as having been imported all at the same time 54 days ago. As to you saying there are thousands of corrupted and unimportable files in my library…that isn’t really true. My library isn’t missing anything. Everything I’ve imported has shown up exactly as it was supposed to up until 54 days ago and those that didn’t after that point only had an import date error, nothing else. I’ve looked at the list of corrupted files and they’re all in the $Recycle bin and are only a few hundred bites in size each. I don’t know what they are, given their size, but they have had no impact on what I was importing and they are all from years ago in any case. None of this however explains why there’s a gap of three months in the history.